Martin Luther King: Why Do People Rebel?

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The question is, "Why do people rebel?" "rebel?", someone might ask. Rebel is when an individual who rises in opposition or resistance against something such as government laws/rights. This paper will explain the reasons why anyone would ever rebel against anything such as or change. To start off, on August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered a speech called, "I have a dream.", In Washington D.c in front of 250,000 individuals who wanted change for jobs and freedom in which Martin Luther King jr. recruited the speech. It can, in fact, be argued that people rebel for the desire for change as it is demonstrated in "the Tiananmen Square Massacre" by Mike Kubic, "Speech in the Virginia Convention" by Patrick Henry, and "Letter to Birmingham …show more content…

Peace, but there is no peace. The war is actually begun!” and “ Have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled that force must be called in to win back our love?” This part of Patrick Henry's speech means that individuals can cry all they want, but nothing will change with tears. The war will still on, just because people shed tears and begging does not mean it will stop. The English men that Patrick Henry is speaking to are not willing to reconcile, so they have to fight back, they have no choice, but to rebel. People rebel because there is no choice. Patrick Henry says that there is no peace because the war has begun. Individual well how people have to rebel to get what they need as the result of having no choice. For example, Black Lives Matter. Black Lives matter is an activist movement originated in African American communities. The campaign against violence and systemic racism towards black people. Black people made this campaign as to have no choice. They had and wanted to do something about the wrong and rebel against it. Still yet, Patrick Henry was very wise. Patrick knew what he wants and he did not hold back to tell the president that everyone wanted some sort of change. In the speech by Patrick Henry, “ Speech in the Virginia Convention” Patrick Henry states, “ Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death.” Patrick Henry is saying that he would rather die than not have the change. The change in which has not to be a slave. As it claims, “Give me liberty or gives me death” in other words, let me be free or kill me. Rebelling is when someone goes against something or someone else. Patrick Henry is doing exactly that. Patrick is speaking up and saying what he believes in than going with what the government wants from individuals. For example, Students in Singapore are protesting against the uncontested presidential election. It is not that people do not like the

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