Patrick Henry Give Me Liberty Or Give Us Freedom

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Do you think that the British will give us freedom and liberty peacefully? The thirteen colonies got tired of Britain rule. The people wanted a change in the government and in society. The revolution was necessary to life in the colonies. The problem with Britain was England's legal power to tax representation. In March 23,1775, Patrick Henry presented a speech to organize a volunteer company of Calvary. In his brief address he closed with his famous line "Give me liberty or give me death!" The colonist need to go to war with Britain for more freedom and for liberty. Patrick Henry argued to the Virginia Convention that God is on our side. He said " There is a just God who presides over the destinies of the nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battle for us. Henry believes that God wanted …show more content…

He asked the council " Are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and recolation. The British had soldiers in the colonies to make sure the people of the colonies are doing what their are suppose to do like dogs herding sheep. The British have their fleets and armies ready for war. The colonist have to fight for their freedom and liberty. They have to fight after trying to get their freedom and liberty for ten years. Patrick Henry argues that they tried to get liberty peacefully but it didn't work. He asked the council " Sir, we have been trying that for the last ten years. Have we anything new to offer on the subject? Nothing.". They have tried to talk to the Britain's that they wanted freedom and liberty. The Britain's turned them down like when the U.S turned down the league of nations. They tried petitions, they tried supplications, and the Britain's ignored them. Some people silk wanted to try to work to get liberty peacefully with Britain. They have tried it for ten years. They have tried everything to not start a conflict. Britain has troops and ships ready for the

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