Lyrical Jazz: I Do Not Try To Dance

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"I do not try to dance better than anyone else, I try to dance better than myself" quote said by Mikhail Baryshnikov a ballet dancer. Lyrical Jazz roots back to Russia in the first half of the 20th Century, it emerged as a new art form after the culture changes of the 1970's. It was created and evolved with the mixture of Jazz and Contemporary to create a different dance technique. Many dancers find Lyrical Jazz exciting and rich. Music is often the most difficult category knowing what type of music to pick. Most dancers suggest slow and downbeat tempo which is good for a breakup or love song, but most dancers do a fast-paced upbeat aggressive style. It all depends on the dancer's perspective on what type of story they're trying to initialize. Lyrical Jazz is open to anyone though training is optional. All dancers start at a young age to build knowledge as they get older. During the Lyrical Jazz Dance …show more content…

Starting with the four basic elements -Technique: You’ll need to know how to count beats, to have inward knees, rounded shoulders, and full-body isolations. Really stretch out arms and legs to make it look sharper. Next is - Style: Everyone has their own sense of style so create your own don’t copy somebody else because you’re ideas could be better than you thought. Next we have -Musicality: Make sure your dance fits the style of music. And -Ability to match the music: Helps you Make sure your dance to music it matches your style. You don’t want to dance fast when the dance is slow pacing. You must know the timing and rhythm of the beat.Getting into the basic step portation there is a total of three steps including

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