Loooong Script

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Well, you know I had to reply to the loooong book �.... I'm already praying for you, but since you mentioned it I will do it now with even more fervor .� I'm a coouuntry girrrrl from the island so I know well how to live in that environment, but what I don't know how to grow� food, I can cook it and eat it, but grow it that's a whole different story, I do not have the green thumb.... About a year ago I had a small cactus and it die, YES� I killed the cactus....Toooo much water.... Don't you say a word�!!!! I guess Yahova has HIS children in a stage of waiting for Him until further notice as to what to do, stay... go there... don't go there.. wait, keep praying trust me.... I love it when He keeps me in suspense�. Is funny that you mentioned.....

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