Long Term Goals

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My long term goal in life is to go to college. I dream of getting a good education and finding a career that will support me in life, but will also enjoy. Going to college will help me understand what it is like to become an adult and not rely on my parents all the time. It will shape who I am by opening up career ideas that I could be interested in the future. Since I was a little child, I have been determined in my studies by getting good grades and understanding what I was taught. My parents have always wanted me to go to college with a scholarship and have helped me by tutoring and encouraging me. They have pushed me to study hard and want what is best for me. I want to make them happy by getting a good job and supporting myself in the future. My number one choice of college is the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, Arkansas. I would like to major in the health science field. The thought of helping others and treating them back to health brings me happiness and I would like the opportunity to do that. I know that it has a big job outlook nowadays and a reasonable salary. This will take a lot of dedication but I am up for it because I know that it will be a big part of …show more content…

First, I want to be able to get a 4.0 GPA by the end of high school. This will help me with my scholarship. For all my life, I have gotten all A’s on my report card and I want to maintain that for the rest of my school years. I know that this will not be a piece of cake. It will take a lot of studying and determination. I plan to go to tutoring once a week to better my understanding on a lesson and guarantee that I will remember it for the future. I also want to be more outspoken during class discussions to get involved. Also, I want to make sure to put my education first before my social life. I know that my social life will distract me and influence me to fall away from school work and make me

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