Loloe Reynolds Narrative

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(Prologue) Chloe Smith and Sam Reynolds were they only things each other had at school. No one at school excepted them but they didn’t care. In their own mines, they were the popular kids, but in reality, they were the subject of the jokes. Chloe was a tall, beautiful, brunette, who was very loyal. Sam was a small feisty blonde, with killer blue eyes. Chloe Smith was arriving at her middle school, Williamsburg High. When she got into homeroom, she noticed that her best friend, Sam Reynolds, was missing. “Maybe she’s just late. I’ll see her at lunch.” wondered Chloe. Once lunch time rolled around, Sam was still nowhere to be found. She then knew something was wrong. Chloe sat the rest of lunch in silence while all of the kids stared at her. After school, Chloe went to Sam’s house to see if she was okay. When she arrived at Sam’s house, she saw that Sam wasn’t there.There was only one other place she could be. Chloe ran deep into the woods behind her neighborhood, to where the abandoned tree house stood. Chloe climbed the wooden ladder and opened the trapdoor, to find an empty room. There was nothing in the room except for some old board games and a crisp red envelope with her name on it. She checks her phone and finds that it is almost time for dinner. Chloe …show more content…

“That’s weird, I received a phone call from Mr. Reynolds saying that she didn’t come home after school.” Mr. Smith replied. After dinner, Chloe ran to her room to do her homework. When she took out her textbooks from her bag, the envelope fell onto her floor. She opens the envelope to find a letter that reads, “ Dear Chloe, I have run away from home. Please don’t tell anyone, not even your parents. There is a clue in a book at the library. I am sorry, but I couldn’t bare to look you in the eyes. I hope I will see you again. Love, Sam P.S. LIB FIC LEE” “Not again! She always does this. I will just see her tomorrow.” Chloe

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