Lloyds TSB - Employment

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Lloyds TSB - Employment

The employees of a business are extremely important to their success.

If a company's workforce is functioning efficiently then costs can be

cut, customer complaints will be reduced or handled with better

answers. If someone is enjoying his work, that they feel they are

going somewhere within the company. Things such as incentives will

improve the quality of the staffs' service. Quality is always needed,

if a company gets well known for it's excellent quality then it is on

the road to success. As long as the company is able to at least break


Lloyds TSB is a bank where they are trying to revolutionise banking.

In recent years ATM machines have been brought in to most major

streets in England. People rarely need to go into the banks these

days, so the need for employees in the banks has been reduced.

However, Lloyds TSB still has a large amount of employees and

stakeholders in Britain.

Social Marketing

It is now widely agreed that companies need to have a more active

approach towards their relationships with the parts of the community

they serve. This is known as corporate social responsibility and

centres on trying to show a positive commitment to its stakeholders

and society.

Social marketing is a new version of the traditional marketing systems

and concentrates on:

· producing the right products

· producing at the right time

· producing in the right place

· producing at the right price

But to these it adds a social dimension. It means that corporate

investment will not only promote business objectives - it will also

support the community within which these objectives are aimed.

The golden rules of social marketing:

1. Reflect the core values of your brands. So any causes the product

is related to must be obvious to consumers and must have a visible

truth factor attached.

2. Consumers must see a balance between commercial and social

benefits. Customers accept the profit motive but also like to see a

community benefit coming from an enterprise.

3. Keep to a single, frequently expressed, theme/image. By sticking to

one socially responsible image the consumers will begin to relate the

company with that issue.

4. Integrate the social theme into every part of the corporation.

5. Involve customers and employees. A successful social marketing

strategy connects the employees with the customers by developing

common themes. Frequent questioning of both parts of the target

audience is essential.

Success in handling the above will assist in the;

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