Lizbeth's Behavior Theory

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Lizbeth Cole is a 19-year-old female college student who suffers from low self-esteem and lack of confidence. Lizebeth is consistently doubting herself and is often tells herself that she is not good enough for college. Although, she holds a 3.5 GPA she still believes that she is going to fail during her collegiate journey. Lizebeth is dealing with self-limiting beliefs and has not been able to combat those beliefs yet. Additionally, it has been very difficult for her to make friends in college. She deals with social anxiety when she is talking to people, she tends to get very nervous and that is why she avoids socializing at all cause. Lizbeth also thinks that people might think she is weird because she gets so nervous when talking to other people and as a result, she ignores people. Theories for Case Study …show more content…

I decided to use the combination of all these theories because I believe it will be most effective way to alleviate Lizbeth’s problems. Behavior therapy will be used to help combat the anxiety that Lizbeth deals with when she tries to socialize with other individuals. Therefore, behavior therapy incorporates relaxation techniques, which can be very useful to combat the social anxiety that she is dealing with. CBT will be used to Identify Lizbeth’s negative thoughts as well to challenge those thoughts with contradictory evidence. Furthermore, by using CBT one can try to replace negative thoughts with more realistic ones. Hence, changing one thoughts will result in also changing ones feeling and

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