The Importance Of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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Which therapy is best regarding the help of people in society? I Say Cognitive Behavioral. Why Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? Cognitive behavior therapy is used in helping people break the connections between tricky situations apart from their habitual reactions to them. Cognitive therapy teaches people how certain thinking patterns are causing their symptoms. With Cognitive Therapy a licensed therapist will take an active role in solving the patient problems. He or she will not settle for just nodding wisely while the patient carries the whole burden of finding the answers on their own, the same answers that they came to therapy for initially. Through Cognitive therapy the therapists will teach patients to identify their negative thoughts, and negative emotions. One of the most important developments in psychosocial approaches to emotional and mental problems has been the success of cognitive therapy, especially for depression. Cognitive therapy approaches of psychotherapy have proved to be one of the most effective psychological approaches for a wide range of behavioral problems. “CBT teaches anxiety reduction skills that people can use for the rest of their lives. Research shows the …show more content…

Cognitive behavioral therapy is used to treat diverse types of disorders such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, eating disorders, etc. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps patients deal with a specific problem in the present as well as avoid the same problem in the future. A patient anc potentially learn how to identify destructive behavior within themselves, so that they can move forward positively in the future. Long term, a patient will learn how to change the thought patterns that lead to the destructive behavior with the help of cognitive behavioral

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