Living as a Sikh or Muslim in Secular Society

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Secularism creates a fundamental framework promoting equality and unity for every individual in society. It seeks protection for beliefs and practises, whether religious or not. In spite of such, this method constructs guidelines for people to live together in peace and fairness. However how does secularism exist in society? Everyone in a secular society has the right to access public services; providing secular service and ensuring that people are not denied accessed or underprivileged. In addition, anyone has the absolute freedom to practise or convert to any religion they desire. No specific religion can receive any advantages or disadvantages nor can be discriminated. That is what secularism teaches, it a law that promotes equality between the believer and the non-believer; everyone has the same rights and obligations. It seems a like an effective aspect in society nevertheless it can cause conflicts. Secularism is a challenge for some individuals who cannot express their religious symbol, therefore not fulfilling their spiritual duties. Furthermore, it is a widespread fact that discrimination still exist even in today’s era, whether they are indirect slurs or a blunt actions, prejudice stills happens in secular societies. Religions such as Sikhism and Islam share similar attributes in the sense of discrimination. Both faiths wear a type of headwear, however for totally different motives; nevertheless they are the main targets for a lot of setbacks and judgment in society. Throughout this paper, it shall discuss the conflict regarding the exclusion of individuals who wear turbans on soccer teams, and the law concerning the prohibition of the hijab in government faculties. Despite the dissimilarity between the two fa...

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...society. Whether the exclusion of Sikhs wearing turbans on soccer teams, or the conflict regarding the prohibition of hijabs for Muslim; both challenges are faced in Quebec and are equally discriminatory towards people. Some of the challenges have been solved, while others are improving within a matter of time. However, the attitude approached towards the conflict displays the individual’s tolerance and spiritual strength. Everyone should be able to express their religion publically without the fear of losing one’s job or getting eliminated from a sports team. If those rights or any rights in that matter are violated then people of the community should take a stand regardless of different faith, culture, or race. One does not need to be a person of authority to comprehend that discrimination and racism is wrong all that is needed is a heart and a sense of humanity.

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