Living Personal Vision Statement

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Living Personal Vision Statement
Name Drew Moxon Group Number 1
Vision Statement: During my time at the University of Calgary, I will work to obtain knowledge, attend networking events, and manage my time effectively. This will help me to find a well-suited career in an environment that I can grow and prosper.
My five most valuable strengths include promotion focus, goal orientation, self direction, high achievement, and perseverance. Promotion focus will help me advance at the University of Calgary and accomplish tasks that I find important. These important tasks include attending networking events, writing job applications, completing important school work, and attending career advancement activities. Goal orientation is the drive to work towards mastering new skills. It will enable me to test a multitude of careers and test …show more content…

Improving on universalism is very important because our world is changing, and new ideas must focus on environmental protection as well as world peace. To achieve my vision, I must limit my procrastination. I will focus on creating deadlines and not delaying important tasks till the last minute. To obtain knowledge, and find a well-suited career, I must be passionate about the work I am doing. Some activities at the university may seem tedious, but I will do my best to think in a passionate manner. When working in groups, compassion is very important for success. It is my goal to improve on my compassion skills, so I can thrive in a work environment. Setting short-term goals is extremely important when looking at time management and networking events. By setting short-term goals, I will forecast my weeks and months ahead, giving me the opportunity to complete tasks and attend

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