Ethics And Virtue Ethics

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According to Morrison and Furlong, normative ethics discovers what is right and wrong and guides decision making for all situations in many areas including health care. A normative ethical theory that this research will discuss is virtue ethics in the American health care system. The purpose of this research is to develop potential for excellence and to find the highest good for humans by doing what is right short-term, long-term, and to compete globally (Morrison & Furlong, 2013). Giving certain situations each theory can provide tools to assist in decision-making but virtue ethics concentrates on excellence and perfection. Virtue Ethics Virtue ethics is a theory about finding our highest good and doing so will develop a vigorous character within each person. Character is important because it shows that a person has certain beliefs and desires in doing the right thing and when the right thing is accomplished, happiness follows (Hartman, 2006). Virtue ethics derives from Aristotle and he concludes that by doing virtuous acts all through life happiness and respectable character will develop (Morrison & Furlong, 2013). Finding the highest good within oneself brings happiness and great character to that individual. Goals for Virtue Ethics In the American health care system, there are goals set for each individual and for the organization as a whole to be successful. The types of goals set can differ from short and long-term goals. Short-term goals is something that can be achieved in less than a year and long-term goals is anywhere from two to five years or something that will make a career last a long time (Merriam-Webster, 2014). Having goals set and using the virtue ethics theory can help with the decision-making proce... ... middle of paper ... ... end up doing the United States harm. Once that happens, America would be ran the way that a certain country runs their people. There will not be freedom and the United States would be a communistic economy. The government would control everything like whom people work for, where people live, and go to school. In this case, America would be ran by an autocratic leader and our country would have no power anymore (Warner). Although, America does the right thing different countries might not follow the virtue ethics theory. Conclusion In conclusion, virtue ethics can make a huge difference on short-term goals, long-term goals, advantages and disadvantages on the American health care system and the ability to compete globally. Finding the highest good and developing a good character will progress to excellence and good habits to have a successful career and life.

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