Letter to Convince Against Selling of Fireworks

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Letter to Convince Against Selling of Fireworks Dear Sir or madam, Although fireworks are fun and entertaining to watch, they are very dangerous and should not be on sale to the general public. How can anyone predict what a firework is going to do? Even Guy Fawkes intended fireworks to cause death and damage. Even if used with immense caution they are still capable of creating injuries. My first point is that even is this day and age with all the technology available fireworks are still dangerous and very unpredictable, even over eighteens cannot control which way they are going to fly and if they are even going to take off at all. The firework could just suddenly veer off and hit you or your house. The other year my uncle set off a firework and instead of taking off it exploded on the floor and also a firework, where loads of fireworks go off one after the other, fell over and was shooting fireworks at my Granddad who had to jump out of the way.

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