Leading Causes Of Divorce

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One of the most common reasons as to why marriages end is infidelity, or unfaithfulness to one’s spouse. In Figure 1 below, there is a 28% chance of having a divorce because of being unfaithful (“Leading Causes of Divorce”).
Being committed is also a number one reasons to have a good marriage. Researches shows that couples who are divorced because of no commitment is because they have were in those types of relationship that has no conflict at all (“Chapter 3: How Common 44”). Reasons why women tends to cheat on their husbands is because they seek other love that is different from their own spouse. They seek for a person who will treat them differently and someone who they trust more. Reasons why men tends to cheat is for sex. After having children, some men will see their wife as maternal figures now, instead of a person who the husband loves no matter what. However, not many women and men follow these and are more committed than ever (“Latest Infidelity Statistics of USA”). …show more content…

It is known for many that if an individual experiences the separation of his parents, there is a risk in his future marriage for a divorce as well. Also, if his spouse also experience the same situation, then the risk of both marriage is higher than ever. These situations that people go through challenges them to work even harder for a better marriage than their parents, if they do not want their children to go through the same thing they did (“Chapter 3: How Common: 43”). Adults who are raised by single mothers are far more likely to not get a divorced. Now, the percentage of divorced adults from divorced parents are closing in with divorced adults from intact family. There was a 172% chance of adults with divorced parents to divorce as well in 1973 by a released survey between 1973 and 1994. As a result, raised in a home with separated parents can high influenced an individual to divorce as

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