Leading By Example Essay

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Leading by example: let it be defined by doing something that one would like a group of people to do, and thinking that they will follow. Is that idea reality or fiction? While this concept seems logical, the idea is fiction. It is almost impossible for people to be perfect. People are prone to error, and cannot always lead by example. Not only that, but some people can not follow just because an example was made. So, the idea of leading by example is fiction because people are prone to hypocrisy, people do not change without incentive, and some societies will not permit leading by example. Most people have some form of hypocrisy that is in their life that inhibits them from leading. It is something that can hinder a leader from leading. One needs to be fully dedicated to their cause. If a leader breaks what they are preaching about, they are not truly dedicated, and people will disregard them and not follow. An example of this would be “Self proclaimed messiah” Jim Jones. Jim Jones was a deranger cult leader. He is supposedly a man of god and wants to lead people down a righteous path, but he is a dishonest hypocrite. An example showing how hypocritical he was would be him prohibited sex …show more content…

How can one lead by example if they do not have the platform to do so? An example of this would be in the antebellum. In the antebellum south, people who ran the underground railroad were setting an example of how to treat people. But if people found out, they could be prosecuted by the law. Their is know way for abolitionists to lead by example at this time because no one is willing to listen. The antebellum south is not the only example of societies shutting leaders down. Other examples of this could be Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Theocratic Iran. This shows how in many periods of time and place around the world, people could be shut down for trying to lead by

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