Leading By Example Essay

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Everyone in my life has always told me be to “Lead by Example” I am supposed to be the role model for those around me. I am expected to be the blueprint of a perfect student, athlete, and daughter. They have always told me that people watch how I act and want to be like me, so I am expected to set a good example. I had always thought my parents were just saying that to make me behave, but what they were telling me was true. Many people in the past have lead by example and have brought about change that has impacted society in a positive or sometimes a negative way. Leading by example is real, people are very impressionable and follow leaders in order to conform and fit into society, however it is up to the leader to determine how their power …show more content…

Her refusal to move inspired and chain effect that brought about Civil Rights activists Martin Luther King Jr., Ruby Bridges, and many others. After she refused to move many other followed her example and boycotted buses to show that segregation was wrong. Rosa Parks was someone who lead by example and inspired a positive change in the world around her. However, on the opposite side of the spectrum is someone who definitely did “lead by example”, but he did not use his ability to lead as a positive tool instead it was used as a weapon of mass destruction. Adolf Hitler was a man who knew how to inspire crowds, control media, and influence others to see what he wanted them to see. He took control of Germany and successfully ostracized jews, gypsies, and handicapped individuals. He convinced people to follow his beliefs by giving them a template for the “perfect” person. He himself ostracized anyone who did not fit the idea of the “Aryan” race. Hitler himself did not fit the “Aryan” profile, but his leadership skills and convincing speeches made up for the fact that he was not “perfect”. People blindly followed him without even asking questions, to them Hitler had every solution. He “lead by example” but he used his leadership qualities to cause destruction and not to benefit

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