Leadership Style And Philosophy Impact/Evaluation

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Leadership Style Bret Jacobsen Western Governors University Leadership Style A1. & A2. Style and Philosophy Impact/Evaluation: The practicum site administrator most often utilizes a transformational leadership approach, where she likes to be out among the stakeholders, including parents, teachers and scholar’s, providing a hands on methodology to leadership while being involved with those she works with. The site administrator sets the example, by modeling what she expects others to do. Additionally, the administrator likes to put coworkers into a position where they feel confident and comfortable solving their own problems and solutions without being micromanaged, which creates ownership. Her door is always open and she …show more content…

The School Leadership Team (STT) has a huge responsibility to lead, including instructional coaching duties, and mentoring the new teachers. Parameters were set in place by the principal, offering a clear vision, including clearly-defined values and teachers are becoming empowered through leadership opportunities, which have been devoid in the past. Therefore, I think the leadership style is effective, because the administrator is willing to share the leadership, and I have witnessed firsthand the impact an instructional coach is having on the school, and the individual growth of that coach is becoming immeasurable. 2. The principals current practice is to have her “office” on the go. At the practicum site, there is a spot in the school, which is centrally located at four corners of the building, and this is where the principal can be found during the day, most of the time. She is setup with a cart, her laptop, cell phone and a daily planner, and likes to be out in the building, rubbing shoulders with teachers and kids. I believe the leadership style is effective because the principals mobile cart has created a transparent environment where teachers and scholars can easily interact with the building administrator and the leader is able to accomplish essential tasks while keeping close contact with stakeholders, which contributes to a …show more content…

Fairness: I think that ensuring fairness will take a delicate balance because some people are more approachable than others. I know I am drawn to those who are more positive and friendly, and I tend to keep my distance from those that complain and are negative, but I think those types notice when you keep your distance. The key will be in being consistent with all stakeholders and not playing into favoritism. For example, if a teacher came to me asking for supplies, I will be consistent in helping and providing support for everyone, even if I didn’t necessarily get along with them, due to their poor choices. Being fair to me means keeping everyone on the same level and consistently providing the same resources for all, including treating everyone the

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