Laurence Shatkin's College Education

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With the rapid advances in technology, many of today’s jobs now require more than a high school education or trade skills. Success in the workforce is increasingly defined by the ability to think critically, manipulate a computer, and to work collaboratively in a team environment. Today’s college education develops these abilities, providing the individual with the needed business and knowledge, as well as opening a door to a better career opportunity with an increased earning power. A lot of people in today’s society view higher education as an investment that will pay off in the long run. But others would tell you that it is a waste of both time, and money. Going to college is supposed to be something that is beneficial to us because it offers one a better future. A future that provides the individual with an excellent paying job in the near future with nice living arrangements. But with today’s job market and the cost of going to college, is it worth it? Laurence Shatkin, an author and specialist in career information as well as a senior product developer who wrote the article, “Education Pays But Perhaps Less Than You Thought”. In the article, Shatkin establishes the importance of education, and also informs the …show more content…

Although the use of ethos is minimal in the article, it is still used in addition to logos to convey his point. Shatkin uses the information attained from Moretti’s article, to state that although education may not produce its project dollar amount, it is still a valuable advantage. After viewing Shatkin main objective, it is evident that his intended audience is students and parents. For the reason that the article is solely devoted to convince readers that college is worth perusing. Furthermore, both students and parents are involved in the decision of attending

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