Latinos In The Media Essay

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Hispanic communities in media is underreported and sadly misrepresented. However, subject five stated that every minority has been a target of stereotypes. This has resulted in a lot of minority groups getting limited roles that goes along with the stereotypes people have on those certain groups and this is not something new. Solutions Opinions varied on how each of the subjects felt Latinos were portrayed, but the subjects had a lot of suggestions on how the portrayal of Latinos can be fixed in the news and entertainment media. A lot of the suggestions were similar, but some were different. Subject two felt that the first step that the media needs to do is to recognize that there is a problem and rather than point fingers, find solutions to the problem. News media. To solve underrepresentation in media, subject one suggested that to cover the community accurately, news organizations should have a Latino journalist, who is a member of that community. It is important to have people who are connected to the community and understand the different issues that the community faces. Subject three agrees with subject one and stated that …show more content…

However, for him, reporting should be dependent on the market, not on the diversity of the staff. Although it might help to have more Latinos on staff, it doesn’t make a difference if your audience doesn’t care about Latino issues or doesn’t have a large enough Latino population. For subject two, a diverse staff wouldn’t necessarily fix the problem with coverage because the reality is that diverse staff members don’t stay in newspapers, long enough to gain managerial jobs resulting in upper management continuing to be white males. The only way she sees that diversity in coverage will change, is if upper management changes. For film media, it was a lot of similar

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