Latino In Action Essay

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A question that every high school student is faced with is: “What extracurricular activities so you participate in?” Some can answer confidently while others are slapped with a moment of sudden realization. These people are just floating along with the crowd, with no driving force or motivation. What I believe differentiates me from my peers and gives me a sense of uniqueness, is what I do outside of my academia. Out of the deluge of activities that are available, Latinos In Action is the one that I feel the most passionate about and shapes my persona the most.
Latinos In Action is an organization supported by the White House Initiative that focuses on empowering Latino youth to become leaders and conducting community service projects. This program originated in Utah, but was introduced to my high school at the end of my sophomore year, when a representative came to speak about the program. I was immediately engulfed and infatuated with everything that Latinos In Action represented. Feeling a little anxious yet excited, I was one of the first to sign up for the inaugural Latinos In Action class the following school year. …show more content…

I decided that I wanted to dedicate as much time as I could to this class, and set a goal for myself: to become an officer. After weeks of meticulously perfecting my speech and having occasionally surges of anxiety, election day had arrived. After all the candidates had given their speeches for their respective positions, the class voted for the officers. After the period of tense silence and scrupulous tally counting had concluded, I exerted a sigh of relief as I heard my name get called for the Latinos In Action Secretary. Little did I know, this moment would propel me into diving into the wonders that this club had to

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