Latin And Roman Influence In The Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins

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The Hunger Games is a best-selling young adult novel that has a big cultural influence. The author of this novel Suzanne Collins, was heavily influenced by ancient Rome. Readers can see the Roman influence in the novel through Collins’ use of Latin in the characters names and phrases. Another way readers can see the influence of ancient Rome is in the structures of both the Roman Empire and The Capitol. Another way readers can see the Roman influence in Panem is through the similar treatment of the tributes and the victors before, during, and after the Hunger Games. Throughout Suzanne Collins’ best-selling novel, The Hunger Games, you can find many Roman influences. In ancient Rome the primary language is Latin but, overtime they began to incorporate some French into their language. Throughout the novel you can find Latin and French influences in some words and phrases. The first word that the readers come across is the word Panem. Panem in Latin means ‘bread’ which is a theme that pops up quite a bit throughout the novel. Panem also comes from a Latin phrase “Panem et circenses”, translating into ‘bread and circuses’ or ‘bread and games’. The Roman Empire used the idea of ‘Bread and Games’ to keep the population from rioting against them by providing them …show more content…

In The Hunger Games the tributes are the competitors from the twelve different districts in the Hunger Games. Collins chose this word because of its Latin decent of the word tributa. Tributa, in Rome, this was a tax that was paid to the government as a form of protection. This is similar to the Capitol in Panem keeping all the districts at bay to continuously “remind [them] how totally [they] are at [the] mercy” of the Capitol (Collins 18). Both governments used violent and monetary means to control their citizens. The reader can infer that the word was chosen not only because of the Latin origin but, because it could reflect what the tributes lives were truly

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