Larger than Life, Sir John Falstaff

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A Critique in Lewis Mumford’s
Idea on Transportation

In this essay I will prove why Lewis Mumford's essay, "The Highway and the City" is invalid. Specifically, I will critique Mumford's ideas on the significance of pedestrian modes of transportation as opposed to private motor vehicle transportation. I will also critique Mumford's ideas regarding sociability, the benefit of agriculture in urban areas, the overall advantages in replacement of mass transportation in both long and short distances and how his ideas are too extreme to take seriously. Finally, I will prove the possible critique of the benefit in environmental factors of mass transportation wrong.
Mumford’s argument about highways is very extreme as he uses too many extremities to support his argument. One such extremity is in the beginning of Mumford’s essay when he states the upkeep of a highway interferes with our society’s sociability aspect and its function:
To have a minimum amount of communication and sociability in this spread-out life, his wife becomes a taxi driver by daily occupation, and the amount of money it costs to keep this whole system running leaves him with shamefully overcrowded, understaffed schools, inadequate police, poorly serviced hospitals, underspaced recreation areas, ill-supported libraries (p. 361).

This quote explains many problems Mumford thinks are wrong with our highway system. He first starts off with the minimum amount of communication that happens with the use of private motor vehicles. However, this lack of sociability due to the private car is untrue. To prove that sociability is not a factor in private motor vehicle-use I will critique Mumford’s focus on the decrease of communication in urban areas. According to Merriam Webs...

... middle of paper ... the demands of the people. Agriculture is only a possibility if the land is developed, but there is not guarantee that it will, while sociability is not a factor in transportation but more of a factor when a person gets to their destination. It is true that private cars hurt our environment but in this case the only available option for transportation (subways, trains) will not meet demand of the people when everyone uses these mass transportation system. Walking is especially difficult in dangerous weather and when the subway/train is full people are left with no other short-term transportation options. The highways, mass transportation and private motor vehicle use is necessary in urban areas where there is a great amount of nondisabled and disabled people who need to go to their destination in all weather conditions where supply meets demand in transportation.

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