Kudler Fine Foods Environmental Scan

644 Words2 Pages

Kudler Fine Foods Environmental Scan This paper will discuss the west coast based specialty grocery store, Kudler Fine Foods in terms of their background long term goals. An environmental scan will be performed in order to illustrate their positioning in the current marketplace relative to their goal of growth and eventual expansion. Kathy Kudler opened here first store in La Jolla, CA in 1998 and has since expanded to two more locations in both Del Mar and Encinitas over the subsequent years. Kudler Fine Foods has a niche in supplying freshest gourmet foods in five major areas of concern to include bakery, wine, meats, produce, cheese and dairy. The specialty store has enjoyed measureable success creating avenues for its potential expansion to key Southern California locations. In Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage, the strategic management process details significant phases that any business must undertake when planning such tactic for the future. An environmental scan is such a phase that encompasses a critical analysis of a company’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Op...

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