Knob Monologue

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Once upon a time, there were three mice. These mice had names. I knew these mice very dearly, and can tell anyone anything they want to know about the mice. One time they in a fight with a cat, and that is the story I am here to tell you about, so this is their story…
One of their names was Knox, a dark gray, shaggy, and greasy-haired mice. He loved eating cheese.
The next mice’s name is Knot. Knot was not your normal mouse. He loved jumping up and down like a human. He was a tan mouse, and always had his tongue out.
The next mouse’s name is Knob. Knob was a gentle mouse. He always stayed away and avoided conflict. But that could always change in the future…
These three mice were building their houses. They have just moved to a small town …show more content…

“I’m scared to talk,” said Knot. So Knob had to talk to the cat they have just found behind them.
”Why, Hello There, Mr. Cat! How are you?” said Knob.
“Just looking for food. My name is Cornk, what about you?” replied Cornk.
“My name is Knob!”
“Hi Knob! I am going to make your life horrible,” threatened Cornk. This threat made Knob and the other two mice frightened. They were afraid this was going to turn out like the three little pigs where their houses get blown over, but they couldn’t figure out how a cat would blow air out of its mouth.
“Go right ahead, Cornk!” Knob said daringly, “You don’t scare me one whisker!” And with that, Cornk followed the mice home. Trying to scare the mice and stomp as loud as she possibly could to ensure she frightens the …show more content…

Their basements were very dank. It was humid and damp down in their freshly-built basements. They guessed it rained while they were gone, but they couldn’t tell since they are just small little mice living in a huge world.
The cat arrives at the house of Knox, the first house in the series of three. The cat puts their paw through the window of Knox’s house and feels around. Cornk scratches her way through the window and unlocks the door.
After Cornk gets in the house, she scratches down the entire house, Causing Knox to have no house and just a basement. Knox runs to the second house, which is Knot’s, and knocks on the door. Knot lets Knox inside and Knox explains the situation to Knot.
The cat does just the same to Knot as she did to Knox. Both of the mice scurry out of their house and run to the third house, which is Knob’s. Knob’s house is the weakest of all, and the mice are afraid they are goners.
Cornk attacks the third house, and all of their houses are now debris lying on the ground. Pillars of wood have fallen on each other, and are broken in pieces. The three mice get on their knees, put their hands together, and surrender to the

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