King Solomon

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There are many famous individuals through the history who made great impact on our lives. We can go on and on to list them all but for my topic I would like to choose one of the wisest person who ever lived is king Solomon. During his era the Israel kingdom achieved a lot of success in trading, expansion and fair judgment. Also Solomon regarded as an author of high skill and remarkable output. The writings that have been attributed to him are the biblical Proverbs, the Song of Solomon, Ecclesiastes, the Wisdom of Solomon, and the later Psalms of Solomon.

The book of Proverbs expresses the conclusion of the will of man. Together, the books of Psalms, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes give us the understanding of the soul of man. In Psalms you have the emotional nature, which is one part of the soul function. Ecclesiastes deals with the function of the mind, the search of man reason throughout the earth, analyzing, evaluating, weighing and concluding. But in the book of Proverbs we have the appeal to the will of man and the conclusion of the will. Therefore, this book is all about the things man should decide, the choices of life. This is beautifully set before us in the introduction to the book.

We all know that education is not only the key for our success and good life but also expansion of knowledge and information. “To know wisdom and instruction, to discern the saying of understanding, to receive instruction in wise behavior, righteousness, justice and equity; to the youth kn...

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