Kindness And Honesty: My Most Traits Of Life

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Every day I live is plagued with anxiety, turning every person I meet into what my brain tells me is a potential threat and every choice I make, into what seems to be a life or death situation. This amount of emotion, repeated on a consistent basis, can become very tiresome, even grueling. That is why, when looking inside myself, all I desire out of life is to become a living, breathing, functioning human being. The journey to such an “extravagant” wish is actually quite simple; all that is required are three character traits: kindness, honesty, and the confidence of a zoo lion. Kindness is most often defined as being nice, or doing service; although, to me, I think kindness has a lot more to do with whom you are and the way you think, rather …show more content…

This, to me, is the ability to say the hard things, even when it is painful. I believe that true honesty makes the difference between any good or bad relationship, as well as, a good or bad life! When I live with honesty, people around me know what I expect, how I feel and what I need. There is no guesswork, which takes out a lot of miscommunication, as well as, hard feelings and mistrust. This means having those uncomfortable conversations, not just to be open, but because that is the only way, I believe, to help someone grow. Honesty with self is also crucial to a happy life; because I am able to see myself, as I truly am, not just all the imperfections. I have found that this is the biggest reason for my search of honesty; I have become tired of the constant putting down that I do to myself. There is nothing more that I would love more than to be productive, however, I halt all productivity when I live up in my head, only focusing on what seems to be the worst things that make me up. A true and honest self-evaluation will show me all that makes me, me, including all the amazing traits that I embody, already. I strive to know my worth, and this journey to full honesty will

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