Killing Me Fish Quotes

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The old man, named Santiago, has not caught a fish in 84 days. He is poor, skinny, lives in a hut, sleeps on newspapers, and does not have a fishing rod. He is struggling in life and he has no job. His only job is fishing and that is what he does to make money. He has not caught a fish in 84 days. "You are killing me fish", the old man thought, "but you have the right to" (Hemingway 92). The old man was very happy. He dreamed about lions running on beaches so he was never upset or sad. This quotes meaning is showing how Santiago is struggling with himself and his life, in general. Santiago struggled within himself about his lifestyle and his lack of money. Another quote that shows man vs self is: "Nothing, he said. I went out too far" …show more content…

So, Santiago went out into the sea with some fishing supplies such as a harpoon, knife, and a rope. That day, he caught a fish or two that he used as bait. That same day, something hooked on his line that he never saw before. It was enormous in size! It was not a shark nor whale, and it jumped out of the water really quickly. What was it? It was the great marlin! Santiago stated, "I will lash the two oars together across the stern and that will slow him in the night, he said, he's good for the night and so am I"( Hemingway 73). Santiago strained to keep this massive marlin, but tried his best to fight and keep the beast on his line. Santiago wanted to keep this marlin alive, yet he knew what he was up against. After the long and painful days of trying to keep the marlin alive, Santiago said, "I killed him in self defense, the old man aloud and I killed him well"(Hemingway 106). Santiago did not truly want to kill the marlin, he wanted to bring him back to his village. Unfortunately, the sea and sharks got the best of the marlin and ate it. Santiago had to fight the sharks off, so he had something left of the marlin to show the people. These actions taken by Santiago was a true struggle between himself and …show more content…

He is poor, skinny, lives in a hut, sleeps on newspapers, and does not have a fishing rod. He is struggling in life and he has no job. His only job is fishing and that is what he does to make money. He has not caught a fish in 84 days. "You are killing me fish", the old man thought, "but you have the right to" (Hemingway 92). The old man was very happy. He dreamed about lions running on beaches so he was never upset or sad. This quotes meaning is showing how Santiago is struggling with himself and his life, in general. Santiago struggled within himself about his lifestyle and his lack of money. Another quote that shows man vs self is: "Nothing, he said. I went out too far" (Hemingway 120). Santiago second guessed himself on his journey in the sea. He should have stayed closer to the land and not venture out so far. He struggled with choice in going further into the sea, and he lost

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