Examples Of Archetype In The Old Man And The Sea

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An archetype is best defined as “a typical example of a certain person or thing.” In the book, “The Old Man and The Sea,” Hemingway expresses Santiago’s archetype through his interaction with the fish while at sea. Hemingway compares Santiago to the fish in order to reveal that they are both one in the same. This comparison creates this impression because Santiago and the fish both have a great desire to live and are stubborn. This developes the archetype of a “tragic hero” through Santiago’s fight for his life and the fish. The “tragic hero” archetype portrays a hero who makes a significant error affecting their fate. Santiago’s fatal choice was “going too far out” and fighting the fish. “He is my brother. But I must kill him and keep strong.” …show more content…

Having the option to leave it, he chooses not to take that path because he is staying challenged with the fish and doesn’t want to fail at it. Through exhaustion, dehydration, and phlegm, he gathers the courage to stay with this fish that has continued such a battle for so long. Hemingway’s usage of dialogue between Santiago and the fish highlights their will to keep fighting. “I wonder why he jumped, the old man thought. He jumped almost as though to show me how big he was I know now, anyway, he thought. I wish I could show him what sort of man I am”(pg 63) The fish is trying to intimidate Santiago almost conveying that he will not give up without saying a word. Santiago senses this and wishes he could show the fish how “big” he is. “‘Fish,” he said softly, aloud, “I’ll stay with you until I am dead.’” (pg. 51) Santiago is declaring that he will not give up, not directly to the fish but more so to himself, reassuring that he will not give up. Both Santiago and the fish are determined to win their great battle but only one of them can be the

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