Character Analysis: A Long Way Home

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There are certain moments every person goes through, whether one would describe them as joyful and sweet, or painful and bitter. I believe though, that some of the most life impacting ones are a combination of both, bitter and sweet. The memoir “A Long Way Home” depicts those moments in such a powerful way where we can all come together in unison and simply admire the beauty of bittersweet moments. What would one describe as a bittersweet moment? There are many definitions for it such as pain with a combination of joy, or a “sour and sweet” feeling. The most accurate description that I have found though, is a quote from the memoir itself. “We looked at each other for a second longer, and I felt a sharp stab of grief that it could take a mother
While I don’t have any urge to convert that into religious belief, I feel strongly that from my being a little lost boy with no family to becoming a man with two, everything was meant to happen just the way it happened. And I am profoundly humbled by that thought.” At first glance this doesn’t really seem bittersweet in any way, but after analyzing it I believe there is something extremely bittersweet about, being profoundly comforted or “humbled” by a thought of somehow, someway forces beyond our understanding acting for us but having no real source linking that connection. I think that is the most bittersweet thought many of us can have, the act of feeling but not knowing. It could be compared to Saroo himself, he could not see his mother physically for most of his life, but somehow he knew she loved him. It’s the same way with “supernatural forces” even though we do not see them, when we feel they’re there molding our lives in certain ways, it can cause the most of bittersweet thoughts in our own

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