Judgment In 21st Century America

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Society’s overall prosperity is dependent upon a mutual agreement to cohesively coexist to maintain order and attain the most good for the majority of the populous. These mutual agreements, unspoken, learned manners and behaviors develop throughout the maturing age of and individual and is practiced though their life span. It is a necessity for people to learn these social behaviors, and learn “good judgment” not only for that person’s benefit but to ensure the welfare of all. This is especially true for those in positions of power; whose judgment or discretion holds an essential part of their duty. In John Dewey’s Experience and Education and Jean Jacques Rousseau’s Emile the importance of developing a person of “sound judgment” is evident as it is sought to be a decisive factor not only to a person’s life but the surrounding citizens they encounter. I will further explain each work’s perspective on this essential component. Additionally, I will explain the importance of building characters of good judgment in 21st century America. The failure to raise capable citizens of good judgment is not only detrimental for the self but, as mentioned before, to preserve a working society. …show more content…

Jean Jacques Rousseau’s idea or definition of judgment is not directly stated but rather implied and explained in context. He provides distinctions between judgment and other terminology like, sensations, inclinations, opinions, ideas and prejudice. When Rousseau refers to judgment he frequently pairs it with reason and almost uses these terms almost interchangeably. The difference he does make between reason and judgment is that he admits, he is “far from thinking that children have no kind of reasoning” (Rousseau, 131) and strongly states “ I should as soon expect a child of ten to be five feet in height as to be possessed of judgment” (Rousseau,

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