Their Eyes Were Watching God Janie's Dreams

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“Ships at a distance have every man’s wish on board,” (Page 1) starts Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God, a story about a young girl’s experiences as she tries to find love. The novel begins by distinguishing the dreams of men and women. The dreams of men either come along naturally, or “sail forever on the horizon, never out of sight, never landing until the Watcher turns his eyes away in resignation, his dreams mocked to death by Time.” (Page 1) Women, on the other hand, remember only what they want to remember. For them, “The dream is the truth. Then they act and do things accordingly.” (Page 1)
Janie is a young girl raised by her “old-fashioned” grandmother who has a fixed outlook on marriage. Her grandmother believes marriage …show more content…

She is not forced or rushed into marriage. In contrast, people around her try to stop her from marrying him because they think he is after her money. But Janie knows Tea Cake represents her fulfillment to reach her horizon. Tea Cake was the type of man she wanted to be with. She discovered many things about herself and her interests when she was with him that she never knew while with Logan and Jody. Janie and Tea Cake move away to Jacksonville to get married. One day, Tea Cake goes off with Janie’s money without telling her, worrying Janie. When he returns, he apologizes to her and says he only took the money to experience being a rich man. He does not lose any of her money. Although insulted, Janie forgives him, displaying the trust and forgiveness found in their relationship. As he returns her money, Tea Cake says, “ From now on, you gointuh eat whutever mah money can buy yuh and wear de same. When Ah ain’t got nothin’ you don’t git nothin.” (Page 128) Janie agrees, representing the equality of their relationship. A few weeks into their marriage Tea Cake says they are going to the Everglades to work on the muck. While on the muck, he teaches Janie how to shoot a gun. Again, he shows Janie what it is like to do things for fun. Eventually Tea Cake tells Janie, “Ah gits lonesome out dere all day ‘thout yuh. After dis, you betta come git uh job uh work out dere lak de rest uh de women.” (Page …show more content…

The destructiveness of the hurricane contrasts the peaceful idea of the horizon. The hurricane is also what brings Tea Cake and Janie closer and displays how affectionate they both are. While trying to swim through the heavy waters, Tea Cake gets bitten by a dog as he saves Janie from slipping. He gets hurt in order to save her because he cares for Janie’s life more than his own life. Jody only cared for Janie to boost his reputation as he respected his status more than Janie’s feelings. In consequence to saving Janie, days after the hurricane, Tea Cake becomes very weak and sick. They eventually find out that the dog poisoned Tea Cake. His condition is hardest on Janie, who wishes she had just died. She thinks, “But to kill her through Tea Cake was too much to bear. Tea Cake, the son of Evening Sun, had to die for loving her.” (Page 178) Unluckily, the venom inside Tea Cake causes him to go mad and the only way to get rid of the dog inside him was to die. In order to prevent his madness from attacking her, Janie is forced to shoot him. For Janie, “ It was the meanest moment of eternity.” (Page 184) Their love was eternal and his death was the worst moment of their everlasting

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