What Is Janie's Quest For Independence In Their Eyes Were Watching God

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Zora Neal Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God describes the life of a black woman named Janie. Janie is raised by her grandmother and begins a close to life-long quest that can be viewed as a search for many things. Most scholars believe that this quest is for independence; on the contrary I believe that this quest is to find someone that she can be dependent on, the kind of dependency that "singing bees" have for pear blossoms. The first man that Janie is dependent on is Logan Killicks. Her marriage to Logan was partially arranged by her grandmother, Nanny. Nanny felt the need to find someone for Janie to depend on before she died, knowing that Janie would no longer be able to depend on her. This is the only time that Janie is relying …show more content…

I believe Janie depended on her past husbands for financial security, and protection from the outside world that she could not make a mends with. Janie's dependence on Tea Cake was a dependence on love, Tea Cake treats her the way she has always wanted to be treated, like the blossom to the bee. When Joe died, he left Janie with money and the store, but she had no one to love nor anyone to keep her company. She needed Tea Cake to fill this void in her life, I believe Janie realizes this when she says, "Tea Cake ain't no Jody Starks...but de minute Ah marries `im gointuh be makin' comparison. Dis ain't no business proposition... dis is uh love game. Ah done lived grandma's way not Ah means tuh live mine."(114) "Janie's relationship with Tea Cake is not based on power or domination, but play."(Racine) Even though she seeks a dependence of love in Tea Cake, Janie still uses dependency to find satisfaction for herself. When Janie is with Tea Cake she feels complete in all aspects of life, and feels no need to depend on anyone else but him. When Tea Cake passes away we see Janie almost dependent soley upon herself, but she still confides in her best friend Pheoby when she returns …show more content…

Janie searches high and low for a soft heart to lean on after not finding what she was looking for in Nanny's suggested marriage to Killicks. Janie thinks she finds what she is looking for in Jody but later finds out that she is wrong when she is used as not much more than a storekeeper. So did Janie lead a satisfying life, even though it was full of dependency? That is a matter of ones opinion, but I believe that Janie finally feels like the "singing bee" being satisfied by the blossoms of the pear tree when she begins to depend on Tea Cake and lives her life loving and depending on him. Janie feels complete when Tea Cake is around and knows that no one else could possibly make her feel the way that she does in his

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