Jo's Wife Quotes

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Choosing the right spouse can be extremely difficult. In Louisa May Alcott’s novel, Little Women, this is represented when Jo chooses to marry professor Bhaer instead of her best friend, Laurie Laurence. There is an abundance of reasons why Jo’s decision is Professor Bhaer, but the main reasons are that he was kind, mature, and him and Jo wanted the same things in life. When Jo decides to go to New York and tutor children, at first she is lonely. She then hears of another boarder, Professor Frederick Bhaer. He is forty year old German man who also teaches children like Jo does. She sees him always doing kind acts for people whenever he gets a chance. This strikes Jo, and she writes a letter to her mom and Beth about it. When they first meet, he likes her and tells her, “Ah yes, I hear these naughty ones go to vex you, Mees Marsch. If so again, call at me and I come”(Alcott 258). He tells her this because he is one of the only people in the building that thinks she is nice and friendly and befriends her. …show more content…

Though Bhaer is giddy, he knows the appropriate times when to have fun and to be serious. An example of him showing this is when he is teaching a lesson to a pair of children who are testing in patience. Because of this he says, “No, no it is not so. You haf not attend to what I say”(Alcott 256). This proves that even though the children were trying to go off topic from the session, he cares about their education and is determined to help them become a success in life. He has been mature by doing this act because he is preparing them for the hardships in life and shows the qualities of being an adult. Laurie on the other hand always had quite a temper about some decisions or ways. This was not fitting for Jo because she also had a temper resulting in both of them to fight a lot, and Amy was the right person for Laurie. This demonstrates that maturity is an important aspect in

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