John F Kennedy Assassination Research Paper

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Who killed John Fitzgerald Kennedy? John F. Kennedy was killed by more than one guy. There is more information about this tragedy and who it was. John F. Kennedy was killed by more than Just Oswald, but they couldn’t find out who it was. He was killed on November 22nd 1963. He was killed in Dallas, Texas. Nobody knows why JFK was assassinated. Everyone believes that it is Fidel Castro that was behind Oswald ( Kirkus Reviews, 2013). Castro has attempted assassination plots. There was an entry of a bullet coming in front of JFK. There are many credible evidence to support that JFK was assassinated by more than one shooter. First, the president was shot at by more than one assassin( Kirkus Reviews, 2013). Next, The wound that was in Kennedy’s throat was a wound of entry. This means …show more content…

First, JFK’s assassination was a result of a conspiracy. A conspiracy is a group plan to do something unlawful or harmful. In this case it was a conspiracy for John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the President of The United States Of America at the time. It was a mix up of Castro, Oswald, Marcello, and Trafficante. The reason why Castro and Marcello didn’t get caught is because they were in the FBI( Szulc, 1976), and they didn’t expect them to do it. Which means that these people gained somebody’s trust and then turned their back on them to do something awful. They turned their backs on not only the government, but also their families and the citizens of America. Next, Carlos Marcello and Santo Trafficante both had “the motive, means, and opportunity.”Then, Marcello’s meetings with Oswald a fellow inmate and FBI former (“Yeah I had the guy killed. I’m glad I did. I’m sorry I couldn’t have done it myself.”) Lastly, There were two other attempts to assassinate JFK. They were in Chicago and Tampa( Szulc, 1976). The people that tried to assassinate John F. Kennedy weren’t revealed because they never proceeded with the

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