Jobs In High School

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Do you think high school students should all have jobs? In discussion of teens having jobs in high school, one controversial issue has been will jobs interfere with school. On the one hand Anne Michaud argues that teens should have jobs in high school. On the other hand, Allison Schrager opposes that working in high school doesn’t pay off the way it used too. My own view is that employment for teens should be mandatory in high school because it will help them have experience for future jobs and to raise money for college and rent.
One reason teens should have a job in high school is so they can have experience and be prepared for future jobs. For example on page 419 lines 10-12 in Teens Need Jobs, Not Just Cash it states “Making mistakes like that is partly what early jobs are all about. We learn, …show more content…

For example in the article Working in High School Doesn't Pay Off the Way It Used To by Allison Schrager it states “For the younger group, that premium dropped to 4.4 percent—and actually lowered the odds of finishing college and working at a better-paying white-collar job.” I picked this quote because it states why the author believes teens shouldn’t have jobs through high school because it lowers the chance of them finishing college. Additionally it also states “It’s likely that both the decline in teen employment and the lower returns from it are reflections of a broader cultural shift—parents, teens, and college admissions officers seem to value extracurriculars, community service, and enrichment programs over burger-flipping.” This quote states why the author wouldn’t want teens to have jobs because she thinks its a waste of time and instead they can be doing other thing such as the examples she put in the quote. This author believes teens shouldn’t have jobs but I strongly disagree because it will be worth it in their future when they move on to

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