Jewish Religion Vs Religion

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“Today, approximately 14 million people identify themselves as Jews” (ReligionFacts). Just like any religion, they have beliefs, rites, holidays, phrases, and places of worship. Some of the holidays are recognizable for their appearance in the secular calendar. “In Judaism, actions are far more important than beliefs, although there is certainly a place for belief within Judaism (Judaism 101).” Judaism’s beliefs are encompassed in their Principles of Faith, their views on kosher foods, what they do on the Sabbath day, and holidays that Jews celebrate. The general beliefs of Judaism can be found in their 13 Principles of Faith. They are not rock-solid, “and in fact many Jews would likely question one or more of the articles - [however] they …show more content…

People don't think about work or other stressful things. It's an oasis of calm, a time of stillness in life (Judaism).” For religious Jews, the Shabbat, or Sabbath day, is Saturday. ‘The Holocaust Explained’ says this:
“It starts on Friday at sunset and finishes on Saturday at nightfall with the lighting of two candles. This is a day of worship, celebration and family. The majority of Jews, whether religious or not, will celebrate Friday night together over a festive meal. Shabbat starts with the lighting of two candles. This is followed by a blessing over a cup of wine, and the sharing of bread together.”
On the majority of the actual day of Shabbat, men and women visit the synagogue (though it is called many different things by the individual denominations). A synagogue is used as a library, schoolhouse for younger children, social hall, and sometimes a social welfare agency. There is usually a rabbi, or a chazzan. A rabbi is “A religious teacher and person authorized to make decisions on issues of Jewish Law (Judaism and Jewish Life)” while a chazzan leads the congregation in songful prayer. They can be professionals, or in some smaller synagogues, they may be a member of the …show more content…

Challah is a eaten on the Sabbath and Jewish holidays except for the Passover when leavened bread is not permitted (BBC).”
The two main holidays celebrated by the Jewish people are Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashana, also known as the Jewish New Year. During this holiday-which changes because the Jewish calendar is different than the secular calendar-most Jews go to the synagogue for the better part of the day (A Gentile’s Guide to Jewish Holidays). On the website Judaism 101, under the section titled ‘A Gentile’s Guide to Jewish Holidays’ it says that Rosh Hashanah can be somewhat compared to the American New Year, but is more solemn, and the focus is on the next, upcoming holiday, Yom Kippur.
Yom Kippur is “the Jewish day of atonement, a day of fasting and repentance to reconcile ourselves with the Creator for the mistakes we have made in the last year (Judaism 101).” I was talking with a Jewish friend once, and she said that it is also a day to forgive your fellow man. It’s a day to go to those you have wronged, and ask for their forgiveness, and to repent of those things you have done wrong in the preceding year. She said that it is a time of rejoicing and companionship with your family and

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