Jesus: Sprit Baptism

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Jesus is fully God and fully human at the same time. He is one person with two natures. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. Jesus reveals his divine nature through miracles. Jesus was fully human and fully divine on the outside and inside even though he appeared as human, unlike docestistic beliefs. Jesus died on the cross, a substitution for the unjust. Jesus was buried in the tomb and three days later rose again to sit at the right hand of God. Jesus will come again to this earth to bring his kingdom of righteousness and peace.
Our Lord Jesus Christ is God who has a sinless humanity, vicarious and atoning death, bodily resurrection, ascension, and ongoing mediatorial work. Jesus was a prophet, a priest, and a king. Jesus took on a human nature through incarnation. God communicates with Jesus through divine revelation. Christ saves us by dying on the cross as a substitution for us God justifies humanity by declaring sinners righteous solely based on their acceptance of Christ.
The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity. Sprit Baptism is the release …show more content…

unbelievers who die are subject to a place of hell until the judgement. The death that occurs for believers before the judgement days is physical death. The rapture is the hope of the church, the coming of the Lord is in the the air to receive the living and the dead in Christ shall be resurrected. The unbelievers that have died will be sent to Hell. They will suffer and eternal death as well as a physical death apart from God. This comes before the tribulation of the earth. The tribulation is a time when the Antichrist will come upon the earth and offer false hope. Believers appear to Christ to be judged according to their faithfulness. The second return of Christ will conclude the tribulation. The second coming of Christ will occur after the millennium as stated in the book of

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