Jared Diamond: Rhetorical Analysis

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Trayvon Pratt Professor James History 20, September 2015 Jared Diamond makes a great and compelling argument about how inequality across the entire globe originated. The main components that were agreeing with this argument were guns germs and steel. Guns meaning the advancement in weaponry, military warfare and military sophistication. Germs meaning the harmful disease and other foul illness that wiped out humans throughout History. Then the third and final point steel, which was about the advancement in societies and the complex sophistication with their technology, which lead to building great architecture and devices that were completely impactful. Throughout the chapters in the book Jared Diamond makes points about each …show more content…

He then tries to answer a question from a Eurasian man named Yali. Who asked him the question “Why do you white people have so much Cargo while us black people have little cargo of our own.” He then answers the question with Geography saying that if black people were to trade spots with black people we would be the ones who invented helicopters. To an extent I agree with Jarred Diamonds claims and I disagree with them also. There are several ways that I can do so right here in the critical review essay. For starters I do believe that some of it has to do with geography and I also believe that intelligence is from opportunity. I feel like Jared diamond had completely left out that race was a large factor into the equation. When an entire race of people were deprived from education and precious opportunity. It also makes it harder for a certain race in the world to succeed In a system that was always put against blacks and other minorities. I feel that the races didn’t get to have an …show more content…

He states that Inventions were created out of sheer human curiosity. He also stated that the requirement needed for an invention to succeed was the demand for it. Which was s concept I thought of and seem examples of myself but, I wasn’t able to put it into words . In conclusion to this compelling argument that was displayed throughout the book. Jared Diamonds points that were made in his argumentative book Guns Germs and Steel. I found to be thought Provoking and very informative but, falls short at certain Points to his answer to Yali’s question. Jared Diamond’s explanation I found to be a great explanation but not a complete one. Maybe if certain things that weren’t included in this essay were to be put on the book then Guns Germs and steels answer to the question about equality would seem heaven

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