Jane Addams Perception Of Social Work As A Profession

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Today people tend to not know or understand social workers. Social work has not always been considered a professional career requiring specialized training and education. Social work is believed to come about through the work of Jane Addams in the early 1900s by finding the Hull House, and since then it has become much more significant. There have been changes to the practices of social work and according to LeCroy & Stinson (2004), “A critical consequence of these changes over the past several decades is that they have influenced how the public perceives and understands social work as a profession” (p. 164). With the public not understanding who social workers are it would be hard for someone to know when they could need assistance from one. …show more content…

The two students were female, 20 years old, and the woman with experience is 65. When I asked each interviewee about their perceptions of social workers one student felt as if social workers are important but think that they do not do their job well and the second student thought they were helpful to certain populations. The woman with experiences with social workers said her perception is that they are compassionate individuals with a desire to help people. They have knowledge of support services and resources that may benefit those individuals that cannot help themselves. After analyzing their response, you understand that people do believe social workers are here to help but everyone did not know how they are helpful. Social workers work in many places and you can find them in public and private sectors according to LeCroy & Stinson (2004, p.164). One student said social workers work in schools or cps and the other thought they worked in offices or did home visits. Most social workers do work in schools, offices, with cps, and do home visits. The 65-year-old woman …show more content…

From one students view they think social worker’s social workers they try to help your life or analyze your life to make sure things are good to make sure you’re not homeless or struggling and the other student thought social worker’s asses’ homes. The woman with experience said social worker’s social workers provide assistance to those in need of solving problems or coping with everyday life issue. They can assist people with finding resources that may help them gain employment or improve their basic personal and community living skills. Some social workers that receive clinical skills training can diagnose and treat mental health issues. They provide counseling that may help them navigate through life challenges and provide them with essential skills to make their life better. The next perception to question is who do social workers help. According to the woman with experience with social workers help anyone that need assistance such as parents seeking adoption, disabled individuals, people addicted to alcohol and drugs, teenage mothers, veterans, people that have legal issues, etc. The two students believed they help everyone and that social workers are more involved with single mothers, or

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