Jamie Oliver Ted Talk Summary

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What point stood out to you the most? Why/what about it? Do you agree? Why or why not?
There were several statistics that Jamie Oliver shared during his Ted Talk that I found particularly interesting. One fact that I found particular shocking was that it costs Americans about $150 billion a year in healthcare costs associated with diet related diseases. (Oliver estimated that this number will double in 10 years to over $300 billion annually.) Personally, I think the most powerful statistic shared was that this was all preventable. This problem can’t be corrected by only approaching it from one area but in combination, if the:
• supermarkets (through in-store food advising),
• food brands (through better education and labeling),
• fast food/restaurant chains (through a much lesser use of sugars, salts, additives), and
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If all these areas worked together to change what we put into our bodies, real change is possible and could result in better health and longer lives.
What are your overall thoughts on this "talk"?
I thought Jamie Oliver’s talk was on point. I agree with his points of lack of education, and junk food being disguised as health food (milk as the example). Kids don’t eat what they don’t know, so if they don’t know about healthy foods, they aren’t going to eat them. I agree that eating junk is causing billions of dollars in healthcare costs and also agree that the solution is possible. I’m not sure the likelihood of the American public getting on board, but his statistics of healthcare costs, and the numerous health problems associated with poor diet should be enough to make anybody reconsider what they put into their

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