Jackie Robinson's Struggle Against Racism

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Jackie Robinson was born in Cairo, Georgia, January 31, 1919. He was raised by a single mother Mallie Robinson and four older brothers. His father Jerry Robinson had left searching for a job one day and never came back. Growing up as a teenager was harsh, because he had no father that would help him or either give him advice. As Jackie Robinson grew up he learned about racial discrimination/racism. Jackie Robinson had to face through a lot of racism even when he was young and little. Racism was a big issue back in the days. White people would discriminate black people for not being as superior as them. African Americans were not considered people they were used as a slave who will always obey what their master would order them. If a slave decides
His hard work got recognized and people still admired his bravery and splendid work. Jackie Robinson made a major change in the world and made history. Before Jackie Robinson joined the LA Dodgers team every popular team was played by white people (Americans), but that didn’t mean there were no African American teams they were just not as popular and well-payed. Baseball became integrated sports once Jackie Robinson joined LA Dodgers team in 1947. Jackie Robinson continued to make a stand for the cause of civil rights after he had retired. 6“ Having captured the attention of the American public in ballpark, he now delivered the message that racial integration in every facet of American society would enrich the nation, just as surely as it had enriched the sport of baseball.” 7“ Every American president who held office between 1956 and 1972 received letters from Jackie Robinson expressing varying levels of rebuke for not going far enough to advance the cause of civil rights.” 8“ I guess you’d call me an independent, since i've never identified myself with one party or another politics....I always decide my vote by taking as careful a look as I can at the actual candidates and issues themselves, no matter what the party label.” Jackie Robinson took an advantage of his fame and followers to join the political government and become a civil rights activist to help out African Americans with the problem of inequality and slavery. African Americans were not treated right. 9 “ As a child he fought with rocks against taunting neighbors; as an adolescent he went to jail for a traffic altercation involving a white motorist; and as a college star in four sports, he took no guff from race-baiting competitors.” Jackie Robinson had to face a lot of racism even when he was young and little people would still discriminate him made him believe he had no chance to success, but he still fought and never gave up. Once he

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