Is War Worth It?

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Is War Worth It?
“War is the greatest plague that can afflict humanity, it destroys religion, it destroys states, it destroys families. Any scourge is preferable to it.” That is a quote from Martin Luther King Jr., basically saying that war destroys everything that crosses its path. War is everything but beneficial.
War destroys families and homes. War doesn’t do any good for the families of people who went to fight. “War is a bad thing because it involves deliberately killing or injuring people, and this is a fundamental wrong - an abuse of the victims' human rights”(Ethics of War). People kill each other without thinking about their families. It can also affect the young ones. “Some turn to alcohol or drug misuse as a coping mechanism – this behaviour is particularly common among street children and child soldiers”(War child). War affects everyone in the family of those who went to fight. Children can be the most affected, since they just lost someone they loved and can’t deal with such pain. War destroys families and can lead people to do drugs and alcohol as coping mechanisms, it also leads people to kill each other …show more content…

There’s a lot of money spent on equipment that could be used for other useful things necessary for everyone. “The prospect of crippling economic burdens and huge numbers of deaths doesn't necessarily sway people from their positions on whether going to war is the right or wrong choice”(Huffington Post). People don’t really seem to care about economy while going to war until it’s too late to go back. The Gulf War of 1991 is an example of how war affects economy. “The 1990s boom showed that peace is economically far better than war. The Gulf war of 1991 demonstrated that wars can actually be bad for an economy”(Fourwinds10). Not only the Gulf War of 1991 was affected, mostly all the people who went to war suffered great damage to their economy. Mostly while rebuilding. So, war damages economy before, during and after it

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