Is Newell's Advantage And Disadvantages To Having A Blog

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Introduction Company blogs can help boost productivity, resolve company grievances and make employees feel like, they are a part of the decision making. A blog will empower employees, make them feel they have a say and promote a better work environment. Yes, there are advantages as well as disadvantages to having an internal company blog, however, the advantages will out way the disadvantages. A discussion between myself and Anthony Newell, A store manager of our competitor revealed, a company blog is a great idea for a company. His company has internal blog for employees and external blog for consumers. Anthony Newell and I had a discussion about starting a blog and what it would involve. Read Q&A below: Question: Anthony, how long …show more content…

Answer: The blog is an asset because associates are able to speak across the company, no matter your level in the company. Question: What do you see as pros to having a blog? Answer: The pros to having an internal blog include, associates are able to discuss policies that are good and those they consider to be bad. Also associates can share ideas to better the company, also discuss concerns they have about where the company is headed. Question: Anthony, do you feel the blog has been a good idea over all? Answer: The company has benefitted from the blog, associates are able to interact and discuss issues they feel can better the company for the better. Question: Anthony, what do you see is the biggest obstacle to having an internalblog? Answer: The biggest obstacles to having an internal blog for associates include; associates being trained how to operate the blog. Using proper language and being respectful of others and maintain the blog. Anthony Newell (2014). Following the Q&A with Anthony Newell, the decision was made to move forward with the idea of starting a company blog. Advantages of Internal Blog: A. Sharing …show more content…

This type of training can cost the company in overtime because the employees training will be a cost incurred by the company. The company may have to bring in an outside source to train employees about the blog and how to use it. According to Anthony Newell, the cost of traing employees to blog can either be included in salary dollars or the company can make it part of associates training, which can cost the company nothing, they are already on the clock. Train the associates while they are working (Anthony Newell,

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