Is Modern Culture Ruining Childhood Research

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Is modern culture ruining childhood?
In today’s society, children are being introduced to a modern way of thinking. While others could see it as a good thing, I am for the fact that modern culture is ruining childhood. Modern culture is ruining childhood because it’s produced in children negative influences, laziness, and bad relationships. The first reason modern culture’s is ruining childhood is because of negative influences. We see negative influences everywhere, for example, in the music we hear today. Music artists today, mostly focus on composing songs that talk about drugs, sex, and even killing, and it’s incredible how children put these things into action at such a young age. Music back then was more about meaningful things like real love, family, and traditions, and it should be kept that way. In addition, the foul language being taught today, has children running their mouths and being disrespectful. Many values have been lost because some children don’t respect their parents, teachers, and other kind of authorities. This mostly has to do with the wrong way they are being raised. Instead of having time outs, I …show more content…

I believe kids have it easy today with the technology they are growing up with, because it seems to be doing everything for them. Kids can’t live without their phones, video games, Internet, and their addiction towards these things keeps getting worse. As a result, they don’t want to work and think they don’t have to because their parents don’t discipline them to. I respect my parents, grandparents and those who came before me because of the struggles they faced and overcame back in their time. Life wasn’t so easy back then due to the limitations, but they were able to get through it, and that’s why I believe the principle of hard work should never be forgotten. Kids now don’t know the value of hard work because everything is being handed down to

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