Is Juvenile Delinquency: Justifiable Or Fair To Sentence Children

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In deliberations pertaining to juvenile delinquency, the most controversial issue has been the punishment clause. Is it justifiable or fair to sentence children to the same degree and extent as adults, for crimes they have committed? There are always 2 sides to each argument. On the one hand, there are advocates who argue to support minimizing the offender’s culpability simply because of their age. On the other hand, there are advocates who work to keep these kids responsible and be held accountable for heinous acts of crime they have committed. There are both sympathizers and conservatives on this matter, so which one is right. My own view on this dilemma is conservative. When juveniles decide to commit atrocious crimes, there should be no form of sympathy. Now before we get into dispute let me clarify in legal terms that a juvenile is a child under the age of eighteen, although in some states the legal age varies. And I think we can all agree that a crime is a crime no matter who, what, when, and where it was committed. But anyone who decides to commit a crime, shall be held accountable to the severity of the consequences no matter what the age. They …show more content…

Prior to that, it was widely held that children seven years and older were capable of criminal intent and were therefore treated and punished like adults, which is how it should be. We have partial blame for the juvenile delinquency rise, since we don’t hold them accountable how they really should be. According to PBS’s Frontline editorial Does treating kids like adults make a difference? They state that the threat of harsher punishment will result in lowered juvenile crime rates. I agree because this logically sets precedent and serves as an example to those juveniles who think about committing crimes. Maybe then kids will realize they won’t get away with just a slap on the wrist and won’t commit crimes in the first

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