Is Golf A Sport Essay

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Is golf a sport
Even though golf better matches the definition of a game than a sport, golf is a sport because requires coordinated muscle use, the olympic committee considers golf a sport and its gets in players exercise for the day.
Whether you’re a righty or southpaw a golf swing uses at least seventeen muscle groups in the coordinated movement of the hands, arms, abs, and legs. While most sports do not require as much movement as the golf swing. As this all ties together you bring in the velocity and speed the ball is traveling. The power golfers put into the swing which makes the ball goes further requires talent, lots of practice at the driving range and working out to gain muscle strength. Whether you’re a beginner or on the PGA tour everyone playing golf uses the same muscles in the golf swing. It used to be that golfers would only train during the season but, now they train and practice year round. If players focus on their training for balance pastor flexibility strength and core stability it dramatically improve your game. As well as every sport requires …show more content…

The Olympics thinks golf is a sport because it has a competition in it meets the definition and standards of a sport. On the other hand people might say it does not attract the same kinds of crowds or excitement as other events. But in reality golf courses can not hold as much as 40,000 fans as a normal soccer game Or other kind of sporting event held. However the definition of a sport fits golf pretty well. Some people might say it does not because there is no competition or does not require physical skill. Which in fact objective of golf is to get the ball in the hole the least amount of shots you can. Therefore you’re competing against other opponents in your skill level to shoot less shots than them. To top it off the Committee added golf for the previous 2016 olympics and the upcoming 2020

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