Irregular Bowel Movement Essay

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Irregular bowel movements or constipation is quite a major and common concern in adults and babies as well. The condition becomes more challenging when it comes to babies. Parents of infants worry when their infant’s bowel movement is not regular and clear as that causes formation of gas and stomach pain.
Babies who are strictly on a breast-fed diet rarely develop this problem as breast milk is easily digestible. The problem starts when your babies diet intake changes. However, there are several other causes that may also lead to this condition. For instance, when a baby switches from mother’s milk to formula milk it becomes difficult for the baby’s tummy to digest the new diet change. Introduction to cereal food or solid food also causes constipation in babies. Try to avoid starchy food like Bananas, Potatoes, Cereals, Pasta, etc as these worsens the condition. Lack of exercise also makes digestion difficult for infants. At times excessive dairy product diet like yogurt, cheese and milk also causes problem. Dehydration due to lack …show more content…

Mother’s can also help their infant by eating high fiber diet that would produce milk, which the infant can easily digest. If your baby is on a solid food diet then consider changing the formula food or change the ratio of water and the milk powder. Feed your baby plenty of boiled or sterilized water in between feeds as that will prevent dehydration. Try barley cereals instead of rice and wheat cereals for older babies. Start feeding other dietary substitutes that is fresh and easily digestible like mashed boiled apples, plums, pears or other fruits with high fibers. Try to give some simple massage exercises like the Tummy Massage or the Bicycle Massage that may also provide some relief to your infant. Some follow Grandma’s advice of pure honey diluted in warm water to be fed in the

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