Investigation into the Factors Affecting the Speed of a Trolley on a Slope

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Investigation into the Factors Affecting the Speed of a Trolley on a Slope


* 1kg Trolley

* 1kg Masses

* Runway

* Light Gate

* Stop clock

* Power Pack

* Ruler


* Make sure all wires are secured in sockets.

* No wires are trailing on slope.

* Voltage of light gate has to be between 9V and 15V.

* Weights must be put on trolley safely so there is no chance they

might fall off.

* When putting more than 2 weights on, stack safely.

* Turn electricity off after use.

* Before use make sure electricity is switched off so not to get a

nasty shock.


In this investigation I am going to set up a 1kg trolley on a slope

and I will be letting it roll. I will use a light gate to start and

stop the stop clock using a piece of card measured at 10 cm.


[IMAGE]I will find out the speed of the trolley by dividing the

distance (10cm) by the time that was read on the stop clock. The

results are shown on page . For each reading I will repeat it 3 times

on each side of the slope and find the average, thus making this a

piece of reliable evidence. I will be investigating the speed at 5

different heights ranging from 1cm to 13cm, and on each height I will

be varying the mass of the trolley from 1kg up to 5kg.To make it a

fair test I will keep the light gate at the same part of the runway

each time and start the trolley off at the same point as well.



I predict that the trolley's speed will change due to the varied

positions of the runway and the mass of the trolley.

The higher the runway is set, I believe the greater the speed of the

trolley will be.


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