What Affects Acceleration

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What Affects Acceleration

Aim: To find out what effects the acceleration of a small trolley with

a weight of 1kg.

Variables: The variables I will keep the same are:

- the weight of the trolley

- the angle of the surface/slope

- length of the surface/slope

- the surface of the surface/slope

I am going to change the mass acting on the trolley through the

pulley. This mass will be measured in grams. I will put on masses from

100g to 800g. I am going to measure the acceleration of the trolley in

m/s as the mass on the pulley changes. As the masses will be acted on

by gravity they will extent a force on the trolley and I will use g=

10N/K to work out the force for each mass.

Prediction: I predict that the larger the force in grams acting on the

trolley the larger the acceleration of the trolley. I think this

because by using the equation F=M*A. This shows me that force is

proportional to acceleration. The greater the force the greater the

acceleration. This graph shows me this:

Issac Newton said in his 2nd law : 'The rate of change of momentum of

a body is directly proportional to the external force acting on the

body and takes place in the direction of the force.'

F rate of change of momentum

F change/time taken = (mv)/ t = m v/ t = ma


Equipment list:

- Light-gate

- String

- Masses

- 1kg trolley

- A 'mask'

- Surface/slope


-Collect equipment

-Set up equipment (as shown on diagram)

-Attach the different masses on to the end of the string so it is

running through the pulley.

-Release each weight making sure not to measure the acceleration once

the weight hits the ground.

-For each weight measure the acceleration three times, this will

enable you to take an average.

-Make sure the trolley is always starts in the same place.

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