Interpersonal Strategies

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Additionally, good interpersonal relationships are vital for most businesses, not only for reasons of motivation of staff, but also to achieve the business objectives of an organization. In today's competitive environment, a particularly important feature is to have high sensitivity and understanding of customer service. To care is not enough. I should be ready to do something extra to keep satisfaction at a high level. I have the ability to listen and observe in order to understand really, to discuss, to effectively convey my thoughts and my ideas orally or in writing, to associate and to express my ideas in a clear and efficient way. I believe that I have strong interpersonal skills because I work well in a team and I am able to communicate effectively with my rounds. I am optimistic, calm, I have confidence enough and Ι can communicate very well with other people. I have also innovation Skills and modernity skills as well welcome new ideas, adopts revolutionary solutions beyond established standards. I have self control as I can effectively manage different situations, both professional and personal levels. In addition, I have a good numeracy skills, calculation, understanding …show more content…

Most people at some point in their life have to cooperate with other either in their job or on a daily basis. I have teamwork skills because I believe that I have good skills to collaborate with others people. I can work efficiently in a team to achieve its goals. Also, I am good at developing a sense of harmony within the group. I can easily collaborate with others, creating a good and cooperative team. Likewise, I respect the specificities and differences are individuals among them. I can present my ideas while I'm willing to listen and accept the ideas of others. I have strong persuasion and

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